
Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Magician


Have you ever met someone, or maybe you know someone, who seems to get everything they want out of life as if by 'magic'?  What about people who can somehow focus on what they want and get it shortly thereafter? Maybe the people who have their fingers in everything and somehow have the time to work, be a mother/father, volunteer and have time to do things they really enjoy.. this is the feeling of The Magician.

On the other hand, we all have seen the smooth talkers on the numerous infomericals that have assaulted us over the years. The men and women who promise what they are selling with cure everything from Cancer to unsightly back fat. They could sell a snowball from hell and someone would buy it. Then there are the people who call themselves preachers. They get crowds of people to believe the world is ending on a certain day. People will line up to give this person money or time just because he has a powerful way of speaking. He makes them believe just through what he says. This is the power of The Magician.

How does this relate when it comes up in a reading? It depends on the position it is in. No matter the position, I would tell someone this card represents a person that either is or appears to be in control of many things in his or her life. Notice the card - The Magician has all the Minor Arcana symbols on the table before him. The Cups, Wands, Coins and Swords. He has each one there to use whenever he wants.

The feeling of The Magician can relate to the "Power of Thought".  Notice with The Fool, we have the FREEDOM of CHOICE.. the Magician shows the next logical step would be to focus on ONE outcome, one desire and use everything at your disposal to make it happen. The "Power of Thought" is very powerful but only when in connection with ACTION.

Example in Modern Culture

A few years ago, a single book took the world by storm. A lot of my friends would be carrying it around or reading it while on lunch. It was everywhere I looked and oddly enough, that made me distance myself from it. I'm not sure why exactly but if a book gets TOO much attention, I tend to automatically turn it off because I have noticed far too many people 'follow the leader' and are too open to suggestion.

Finally I got around to listening to this book just about 2 months ago. 

THE SECRET is a book about the Power of Thought and also the Law of Attraction and while I believe in both of these powers, I do not believe the book goes into the detail it needs to in order to get the whole message across.  
That being said.. THE SECRET is a good example of The Magician card in Modern Culture.

Basically. "The Secret" says we are in complete control of our universe. It teaches us we can manifest anything we want in our lives. That we all can be anyone we want to be. We can any job we desire. We are in control of our lives and in essence that is what The Magician says as well.

"As above, so below"

Final Thoughts

The Magician is telling us we are ALREADY in control. We have the power laid out before us that can take us where we want to go. It is ALREADY there, we simply have to see it and take action to change our lives into what we want to be and have. 

The Magician can be a physical person, not an idea or though pattern. If it is a person, he or she will appear to be in complete control in amazing ways. This can be good or bad. A loud voiced seller trying to sell snake oil is an example of how NOT to use The Magician's power. 

Just remember, you have everything you need in your possession right now. You can change your life with a thought and that thought could take you into a whole new if by magic.

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