
Sunday, August 26, 2012

The Fool


Let me start this by saying I do not believe each card of the Tarot has a 'set' meaning. I believe it is a guild to an overall feeling but it isn't until you are reading for someone that meaning comes out. In other words. A man of 40 yrs old could draw The Fool and that would mean something totally different than an 17 yr old girl. Each card will give a Reader a guide post in a way. A direction to find the details.

With that being said, I will say now, my blog isn't about the 'meaning' of the cards. It is about the 'feeling' of the card. There is a difference.

The Fool -  Think back on the feeling you had the day after the last day of High School. Remember the feeling you had when you bought your first car on your own? Remember the feeling you had on an open road traveling to a place you have never been, seeing things you have never seen?  Or what about that feeling you got when you quit a particularly horrible job? What about that feeling you get at 5pm on Friday. You have two whole days of Freedom. 

  That is what THE FOOL is all about.. that feeling of freedom -- Anything is possible. Carefree optimism. It's a new beginning. This card makes me feel of CHOICE. When you put the two main words of this card together, you get FREEDOM of CHOICE and that is the main core of The Fool.

Look at the card - A man, obviously a working man is walking away carefree, head held high..not a care in the world but look at what he is heading for. This can be taken in two ways. One way is a 'leap of Faith' my be required. We do not see how far the drop is going to be. He doesn't care. Some say a Leap of Faith will be required. Other people say this man is heading for disaster. I do not agree with that statement UNLESS the other cards surrounding this one is hinting at disaster.

Personal Experience 

When I first moved to Northeast Tennessee to go to college, I got a part time job at Little Caesars for extra spending money. It wasn't long until I realized this job wasn't for me but I felt obligated to stay in order to pay my way. I was staying with my aunt and I didn't feel right not paying her anything. 

After one very hard weekend at work, my aunt offered to do a reading for me. She knew something was bothering me but I would smile and say 'Oh, it's nothing'.  My aunt was able to lay down 1 card and tell me EXACTLY what I was feeling and thinking. That card was The Fool. She told me I longed for Freedom and that I felt I had no choice.  She told me the Fool was telling me to quit that job and take a leap of faith toward a job I would be interested in.

I did exactly that.I quit Little Caesars without a second thought and applied for a job I thought I would enjoy and that was Blockbuster Video. I got the job and enjoyed it very much. 

The Fool is unnumbered and that is important. This is the TRUE beginning of any venture, any desire, any direction. This is the start of a whole new personal world for good or ill. You will not remain the same after drawing the Fool UNLESS you choose to do so.

Example in Modern Culture

If you've seen "The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring", you have seen a perfect example of what The Fool is all about.

Frodo takes the The One Ring without hesitation. He sets off on a journey where he doesn't know what will happen, he doesn't know how he will get to where he is going and even when he gets there, he doesn't know what will happen. He takes it on Faith. He made a leap of Faith leaving the only home he has ever known to set out on a journey of a lifetime.

Frodo in the beginning is a perfect example of what The Fool is all about. 

Another example would be Anakin Skywalker in "Star Wars Episode 1" and then again with Luke Skywalker in "Star Wars: A New Hope".

Final Thoughts 

The Fool is an exciting card offering up new places, new ideas, new thought patterns, people and experiences. For good or ill depends on the connecting cards. In other words The Fool beside the 10 of Swords would be VERY bad and I would strongly suggest the enquirer be VERY careful with any rash decisions to change his or her course of action.  On the other hand, if the Fool is beside The Sun or the 10 of Cups for example, I would know this is a VERY good change full of the potential to be a very happy ending.  

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