
Sunday, September 2, 2012

The High Priestess

The High Priestess

The High Priestess is a card of mystery, secret knowledge. It is a card of intuition. Think back on the last time you just 'knew' which way to turn or where to go. When you just 'knew' you should contact someone or send that email you have been putting off.  It is a card of simply knowing.  It is that still, small voice telling you to do something and that now is the time. 

The Empress knows all, but she isn't about to let you see the full picture. She knows which way for you to go, but she will only show you step by step. She refuses to let you see the entire situation..thus..'hidden knowledge'. 

Example in Modern Culture

The almost PERFECT example of 'The High Priestess' in modern culture would be the character of Galadriel  in "Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring". Fans will remember when the Fellowship first met Galadriel. Whens he looked upon the Fellowship, she knows exactly what has transpired and how it will all end, but she knows if she tells these secrets, it may change the outcome. She is all wise in every way. She is so wise, she knows not to take the Ring of Power for herself because the temptation would be too much. 

Fans will also remember how Galadriel gave gifts to the Fellowship before they departed on their journey. Each gift become very important as the characters went on their way. More proof that Galadriel saw exactly what was needed and even though the Fellowship did not understand at the time, everything became crystal clear later on.

Final Thoughts

Just as Galadriel knew the outcome and supplied gifts, she did not tell what she knew.. the same can be said if you should get The High Priestess in any reading. Expect.. 'a knowing', a strong hunch or even a wise woman to enter the picture. Expect news that will lead you on a totally different path where the outcome can not be seen but you can rest assured what is needed will be given in the right time.  I have also seen this card come up for expecting mothers - after all, what more exciting and sometimes scary situation can one be in than a first time mother or father?

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